Sunday 16 August 2015

My remedy

Things i used to cure my fissure and fistula.

1. Black seed honey.

Prophet Muhammad PBUH has said that the black seed is a cure for all diseases except death. And he has also stated Honey as a medicine for many diseases.

So i looked for a product that had both. I used a Black seed honey that was imported from Saudi Arabia. Cost me SGD 13 per 200 ml bottle. 1 bottle per month is just nice.

You can read up the benefits of black seed and honey on various websites.

2. Turmeric powder

Get one with a good quality and store it in a bottle with a tight lid.

3. Extra virgin coconut oil  

Make sure you go for extra virgin.

4. chopped garlic

you can choose to chop up your own garlic or get the pre chopped garlic that comes in a bottle.

5. Pilex Ointment (Himalaya brand)   

Get the Ointment and not the capsules.

6. Turmeric Capsules 

Get a good quality with a trusted brand.

Remedy for the 1st month

My plan was to Cure my fissure and make sure i had a good bowel movement.

1.  After i brush my teeth, i mix 2 teaspoon of black seed honey with hot water, some lemon juice(optional). mix together. slowly sip in.

2.  After 10 mins, i take a tablespoon, mix coconut oil, turmeric powder and chopped garlic and swallow the whole thing. It tastes quite nice actually. LOL

3. Give it some time and wait for your bowel movement to start. Hit the toilet! find a way to get in a squatting position on your toilet bowl. You can do your own research on why its better to squat than to sit. It did wonders for me. It was key for curing the fissure.

4. wash the anal area after the motion. Make a thick paste of black seed honey and turmeric powder and apply it on the anal area concentrating on the fissure. If possible, stuff some paste inside the anus in a gentle way.

5. Take one capsule of turmeric with a glass of water before breakfast.

6. Repeat step 1 in the late afternoon. Adding green tea is good.

7.  At night before sleeping, clean the anal area with warm water and dettol. Make a thick paste of paste of turmeric and coconut oil and apply around the affected anal area and gently stuff some inside the anus.

Repeat the steps everyday for a month.

Remedy for the 2nd month

At the end of my first month, my fissure had cured 90%. The puss became colorless and watery again.

now i started following a different routine.

 I replaced the turmeric,honey paste and the coconut,honey paste with the pilex ointment. insert the nozzle into the anus and squeeze the ointment in.

At the end of 2nd month, my itchiness was gone, the odor in my ass was gone, the puss was gone, the pain and itch was gone.

I always keep the pilex in stock in case i have constipation, i applt it to prevent anal fissure.

I continue my morning black seed honey drink as a healthy supplement.

I stopped eating spicy food. stopped the coconut oil, turmeric and garlic.

I hope someone benefits from this.

How it started

On Dec 30th 2012, I broke my ankle and was hospitalized. There started the constipation. it was really bad. Doctors did give me a yellow liquid to get the bowel working normally but it did little help. I was discharged after 7 days and frankly, the pain of  my fissure was more than my screwed up ankle. i tried some remedies like following a fiber rich diet, constant exercise, mint tea and ginger tea. But nothing seemed to help. I did try over the counter ointment with witch Hazel. But no relief at all. Going to the toilet every morning was very very painful. I had to sleep on my side to prevent the pain. Even with my haling ankle, i managed to do 50 sits ups and push ups everyday so the my digestion might improve. It did improve but not much.

I decided to visit the doctor. i got some laxative, antibiotics, fiber supplement and some piles tablet(for the varicose veins). the first two days of the medication worked wonders. but the third day, i started having diarrhea. Oh man! i had to stop my laxative and the constipation started again. i had finished the antibiotics and visited the doctor for the third time. The was slight improvement so the doctor advised to let it heal by itself.

By that time, i had finished my hospitalization leave and went back to work. The fissure didn't seem to cure. I found out that the issue with my constant constipation was because of my daily intake of milk! i was lactose intolerant. I shifted to Soya milk instead and started a healthy diet, losing 8 kgs in 2 months. And i let it to heal by itself. I took Sitz bath(With turmeric powder, salt and hot water) twice a day for a month, gave some relief but not a cure. I went to a Chinese medicine shop and got a fissure ointment which i applied everyday before leaving to work and before sleeping. Again gave alot of relief to the itchiness but no cure. i was surviving with the Chinese ointment until one day, my undies started having a very bad smell.

By now its 18 months already and my fissure had lead me to fistula. the puss began to change from colourless watery stuff to thick yellow with a sick smell. Went to a doctor who recommended me to a specialist a. The specialist wanted to split my ass open to perform a surgery. i did my research on the glorious internet. Found that surgery doesn't give a cure as well. I started to search for remedies online. Everyday, i was working with an itchy ass.
An itch in the ass is far worse than pain in the ass

Giving Back

Today when i woke up and realized how comfortable it was "not to wake up half an hour earlier" every morning to take care of my anal fistula and fissure. I am grateful that the pain and discomfort i had been living with for the past 2 years, had finally come to an end. Thanks to the internet community for giving me ideas on how to cure this condition without surgery.

And now, i would like to share my journey and the remedies i used to cure my fistula. As for the fissure(never gets cured. just watch your diet and it would not disturb you).